
  • The IFS32 image processing and data acquisition software is a 32 bit Windows application.
  • Up to 26 image buffers (designations labelled A to Z).
  • Images may be either 8 bit, 16 bit, 32 bit, floating point or colour format.
  • Each designated image buffer may be either a single image or a sequence of images.
  • The number of images in a sequence is limited by hard disk and memory capacity.
  • A simple and consistent “point and click” style user interface.
  • A range of powerful image processing and data extraction and graphing routines.
  • Image processing functions may operate between images or between images and constants.
  • A simple “learn and recite” macro system allows sequences of operations to be memorised and replayed.
  • User definable toolboxes provide quick access to complex functions.
  • Hardware drivers for HRPCS photon counting, IPD photon counting and video frame grabbers.
  • “Developers Code” modules may be developed using Microsoft C++ and seamlessly integrated into the main image program.

Available Functions

  • Constant Operations: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, AND, OR, XOR, NOT, Clip High and Clip Low
  • Image Operations: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, AND, OR, XOR, Negate and Average
  • Image Enhancement: Smooth, Sharpen, Threshold,
  • Contrast Stretch, Erode, Dilate
  • Image Orientation: Mirror LR, Mirror TB, Rotate 90, Rotate 180,
  • Rotate 270, Rotate
  • Copy: To 8 Bit, 16 bit, 32 bit or to Floating Point
  • Sizing: Enlarge, Reduce, Crop Area
  • Measure: Pixel, Line Profile, Area Profile,
  • Circumference, Calibration
  • Presentation: Join, Split, Matrix
  • Colour Palettes: Various colour and grey scale palettes
  • Odd Area Set Analysis: Rectangle, Circle, Trapezoid, Freehand
  • Statistical Reports: Max, Mean Total, Standard Deviation
  • Macro Language: Record and replay sequences of operations.
  • Annotation: Annotate Images with text and arrows.
  • Printing: Printer support is via MS Windows.
  • File Format: PCX, BMP, TXT, BIN, PCT, SEQ

Contact Us

26 Castleham Road
St Leonards on Sea
East Sussex, TN38 9NS
United Kingdom

+44 (0)1424 850 555